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Colonics/Colon Hydrotherapy

*Please read FAQs before calling. Weight limit is 300lbs* 

4 Steps to a successful colonic:

Step 1

If you have had any abdominal surgeries within the last 3 years, please call before booking. Abdominal surgeries include tummy tucks, c-sections, hysterectomies, hearnia surgery, gastric surgeries, and lipo. CONTRAINDICATIONS that would REQUIRE a doctor's prescription are:

Cancer of the Colon or GI Tract

Acute Abdominal Pain

Congestive Heart Failure

Uncontrolled Hypertension

Renal Insufficiency

Recent Colon or Rectal Surgery

Heart Attack

General Debilitation

Vascular Aneurism







Carcinoma of the Rectum Disease

Abdominal Surgery

Acute Crohn's


Step 2

Please fill out the intake form prior to your visit;

it can be found in the link  below or you may arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time to fill it out.





Step 3

Book your appointment on the link below:



(Appointments are charged 48 hours before the session)

Step 4

Prepping for your colonic:

Avoid drinking coffee, alcohol and fizzy sugary drinks for a couple of days leading up to the appointment.

Drink only water and pure fruit or vegetable juices without added sugar.

Avoid salts as much as possible by reducing processed foods and chips.

Don't eat 2 hours before your session. 

That's it. See you soon!


Opening Hours:

We are open 7 days a week.  By appointment only, appointments must be scheduled by the client. DO NOT SCHEDULE ANY APPOINTMENTS IF YOU HAVE HAD ALCOHOL WITHIN THE LAST 24 HOURS. All New clients MUST pay in advance with the card on file. 

Please note that all clients will be charged the full card amount for the scheduled service 48 hours before the scheduled appointment. No exceptions.

Click HERE to see our availability.



Q. Why Detoxification and Colon Hydrotherapy?


A. Every year 140,000 Americans are diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer. 44% will die. Colon cancer is the second leading cancer in the US. Over 100,000 colostomies are performed each year, a painful, drastic procedure involving partial or total removal of the colon. At least 2 million suffer from colitis, diverticulitis and other inflammatory bowel disorders.

A build-up of old, putrefied fecal waste can inhibit:

. Proper Digestion

. Nutrient Absorption

. Waste Elimination

A. It also provides an excellent breeding ground for germs and parasites. Worldwide it is estimated that 200 million people are infested by intestinal parasites. In fact, parasites kill more people than cancer. Good health starts with a low fat, high fiber diet and plenty of pure water each day. But sometimes even this may not be enough. 

Q. What Happens During a Session?


A. Today’s sophisticated technology makes Colon Hydrotherapy a safe, comfortable, even interesting experience. The inflow of a small amount of water and the release of waste is repeated several times during a session. Each colonic session is between 45-60 minutes long. A gown ensures modesty, and dignity is always maintained.

The colon therapist is in the room with the client the entire time of the colonic session. The therapist controls the water, massages the abdominal area to better stimulate the flow and elimination of waste. The client does nothing but relax and watch the waste being removed from the colon. Only disposable speculums are used once on each client and discarded.

Q. What is the difference between a colonic, colon hydrotherapy, and colonic irrigation?

A. All of these terms describe the cleansing of the colon.

Q. How many colonic sessions do I need?

A. Having one colonic is the first step towards renewed health and vitality. The number of colonics you need depends on your goals, intestinal health, dietary habits and lifestyle choices. During your initial visit, you will have the opportunity to ask questions, and Morgan will offer feedback and guidance as to how many sessions will be helpful for you.

Q. How often should I have a colonic?

A. Everyone has different needs. After your initial visit, you can discuss with Morgan's guidance as to how many and how often you might want to schedule sessions. We generally recommend doing a series colonics to appreciate what colonics can do for your body. Some people initially need a series or more to get the colon functioning well. Regular clients may have maintenance colonics like once or twice a month.

Q. Will I lose weight?

A. You will lose waste. Ridding the body of excess waste helps your body to metabolize more efficiently. You will become more conscious of what foods you are putting into your body and how your body processes those foods . We have seen many clients improve their diet and exercise regime when they start having colonics. If weight loss is your primary goal, we recommend doing 10 week colonic program (12 colonics) for $1350. Call 469-733-7474 for info.

Q. Do I need to fast before a colonic?

A. It isn't necessary. If you are familiar with fasting you may know it is a good thing to do in conjunction with colonics. If you've never fasted before, we recommend having a colonic first and learning more about your body's needs before jumping into a fast. Before the colonic, please do not eat or drink heavily 2 hours before your session. Afterwards, alcohol, dairy, caffeine, sugar and fried food should not be consumed 24 hours after the session.

Q. Is colon hydrotherapy painful?

A. No it isn't! Many people say the sessions are easier and more relaxing than they thought they might be.

Q. Are there any contraindications to having a colonic?

A. Yes, the contraindications include: Severe cardiac disease (uncontrolled hypertension or congestive heart failure), aneurism, severe anemia, GI hemorrhage, severe hemorrhoids, severe diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, cirrhosis, intestinal fissures/fistulas, advanced pregnancy, abdominal hernia, recent colon surgery (within 3 years), pregnancy and renal insufficiency.

Q. Why not just use enemas, suppositories or laxatives instead?

A. Enemas typically aren’t as thorough as a colonic. At Cleanse Thyself Purely you are working with a certified trained professional who will make the experience more comfortable and successful. Suppositories and laxatives can both be irritating to your colon, even if you are taking an herbal form. Colonics are more natural in that they stimulate peristalsis of the colon muscles and help to establish regularity. Laxatives cause the colon to spasm due to aggravation.

Q. Do you recommend supplements after a colonic session?

A. Each client has different needs and after a session we may suggest supplements that we think will help you and your colon. Products we might recommend include fiber, probiotics and digestive enzymes. If you are on a cleanse or have specific constipation issues, we may suggest temporarily using herbs to support movement. Clients may already be taking appropriate supplements and sometimes clients may not need to supplement with anything!

Q. Why is colon cleansing so important?

A. We are all exposed to thousands of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis at work, in the home, through the air we breathe, our food and water supply, and through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. In addition, we are eating more sugar and processed foods than ever before in human history and regularly abuse our bodies with various stimulants and sedatives. By cleaning the colon, you are decreasing the general toxicity of your body and supporting your liver to function more efficiently. It’s like changing the oil in your car on a regular basis.

​Package Deals

Prices are subject to change.

Each session is $130

After hour sessions 7:30pm-6am ($200 must call/text to inquire)

Package of 3 colonics $350 (3 month expiration)

Package of 4 colonics for $450 (4 month expiration)

Package of 6 colonics for $680 (6 month expiration)

10 Week Program of 12 colonics $1350. Call for info.

-2 colonics back to back the first 2 weeks and 1 colonic a week for 8 weeks.


670 W Arapaho Rd #10A

Richardson, TX 75080

Calls/texts are only answered during business hours.

(469) 733-7474

(469) 438-4012

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